Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Students in India and Malaysia: Meet With US Schools in February

It’s time to start off the New Year strong, and the best way to do that is to gain more knowledge about studying in the US. Schools in the US are seeking out international students and are coming to visit your high school and college fairs in your home country.

The school fairs below will be held around India. Each fair will have about 15 US schools and over 200 students attending. To attend the fair is for free. Spots are and filling up quickly, so be sure to sign up as soon as you can!

Indore Fair:

Date: February 4, 2018

Time: 11 am – 5 pm (local time)

Location: Sayaji Mahal, Scheme No.54, Vijay Nagar, Indore

Bhopal Fair:

Dare: February 5, 2018

Time: 11 am – 5 pm (local time)

Additionally, if you’re a student living in Malaysia, Northwest Missouri State University will be visiting high schools across your country. Contact them to see if they are visiting at your school!

Meet Northwest Missouri State University

One school that will be attending both the Indore Fair and Bhopal Fair and touring throughout India is Northwest Missouri State University. Which was recently ranked No.21 by the U.S. News and World Report’s list of “2018 Best Colleges” in the Midwest. Below are some of the reason why they were recognized as one of the best in the Midwest and why you should seek them out while at your college fair.

A University Where You Can Succeed

One thing that most students don’t think about before they attend college is if they’ll succeed at a new school. Understandably, most of you are wondering what school will you be accepted into. It’s important to know the school you attend has teachers who care about your success and classes that are challenging.

At Northwest 74 percent of their students complete their degree on time in four years. Their freshman class has a 70 percent retention rate, which places Northwest in the top third of their national peer group. This means that students who attend Northwest are successfully completing their degree. When attending school fairs make sure to ask about their retention rate and how they help their students succeed.

Campus Beauty

One of the most unique features about the Northwest campus is their arboretum, a large woodland campus. If you’re someone who enjoys the outdoors and gardens the campus is home to over 1,700 trees and more than 130 species. In fact, the campus was placed in the list of  “50 Most Amazing University Botanical Gardens and Arboretums in the U.S.” by Students enjoy walking through campus and passing these large beautiful trees. The campus also has an outdoor recreation area where students can kayak, use a ropes course and practice archery.

Campus Safety

One thing you can be sure about while at Northwest is your safety! According to the Safewise it’s one of the “Safest College Towns in America.” City Manager Greg McDanel says, “It’s an asset to our community to be one of the safest. Maryville is a safe community. It’s a place you can send your students and your children and know that they’re going to have a safe education experience during their time in Maryville.”


One of the coolest parts about going to Northwest is included in your tuition cost are your books and laptop. This saves a student an estimated $7,300 over the course of four years. Students that are unsure what books to buy at the beginning of the semester don’t have to worry. Their books come bundled and packaged, all students have to do is pick them up. When students pick up their very own laptop it’s just as easy and comes with the latest software needed to be a successful student.

The post Students in India and Malaysia: Meet With US Schools in February appeared first on The International Student Blog.


Friday, January 12, 2018

Why we give / Alex Shapiro


Importance of Networking for International Students in the US

The word networking can fall under two categories: Social and Business. Both are very important as it is a way to create a support system for both personal and professional development. Social networking or socializing tends to be less intimidating for international students. However, when you travel to the US to complete your degree, it is important to grow your professional network as a student on campus. Sometimes, socializing will lead to professional networking and even a potential job.

Here are some tips on how you can expand your professional network as an international student in the US


Start on Your Campus

Your school is a great place to begin as many other students share similar interests and will likely be in the same classes as you. Make sure you participate in school events like career fairs or resume critique workshops. Some universities will even offer a “business closet” that provides free professional clothing for interviews or career fairs.

Tip: Always dress to impress but remember to know your audience!


The Technology Era

In this day and age, your phone or computer is a crucial piece of equipment for everyday life. We share messages and pictures instantly with millions of people around the world. To begin your professional development, a great tool to use is LinkedIn. This app is the “Facebook” of the business world and can be used to find jobs, keep a professional portfolio, and make connections with people in the same industry. You can upload your resume to this platform, include any writing samples or presentations you’ve created, and more.

Tip: As a rule of thumb, if your parents can look through your facebook and not be embarrassed of anything that is posted, then it’s likely safe for potential employers to see. Cleaning up your current social media presence on platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram is a great step toward professional development.


Network on the Go!

As an international student you are likely to encounter many people when you travel from and to the United States. When you have a long layover it’s comfortable to read a book and put your headphones on. Instead, take that opportunity to sit down with a stranger and chat about your worldviews or your interests. You would be amazed at the number of people that you can meet on your travels and exchange information with.

Tip: You can have business cards made at some schools for free with your contact information. Don’t be afraid to display your degree and school information.


Professional networking isn’t always easy in the US, especially if English is not your native language. However, the beauty of this country lies in the diversity of it. Here are some ideas on how to begin a conversation with your best foot forward:

  • Network with a purpose: Have a goal in mind and find the person or group that could help you meet that goal.
  • Icebreakers: Improvising a conversation can be hard and awkward. Having a conversation starter is a good idea and it can be as simple as “What brings you to this event?” or “Why did you start working for (insert company/group name here)?”
  • Career goals: Before attending events, make a list of your career goals and be able to talk about them. Even if they are not clear, networking events can provide you with roads you didn’t think about before. Be flexible about how to achieve your goals.
  • Follow up: You will likely encounter many people at networking events and exchange information. A great idea is to write things that will help you remember the person you just spoke with in the back of their business card. After the event, make sure you send them a quick email or letter about your conversation.

Networking is essential for your career in the United States. As an international students, it’s important to take advantage of opportunities to meet people and build your support network. Often, you are likely to get a job with someone you know rather than simply applying to many different jobs. Building relationships will help you develop as a professional and help you achieve your goals.

The post Importance of Networking for International Students in the US appeared first on The International Student Blog.
